Room Types

Upstairs Suite
Upstairs suites share a shower between the two rooms. The toilets are down the hall European style. Each room has a private sink and a personal air conditioning units. These rooms are set up for double occupancy with either 2 twin beds of 1 queen bed in each room.
Mezzanine rooms are individual rooms with doors that open directly onto the indoor upstairs balcony overlooking the lobby. These rooms have private sinks and showers and central air conditioning. The toilets are down the hall European Style. These rooms are set up for 3 to 4 people with either 2 full bed or 1 full bed and 1 twin bed.

Downstairs Suite
Downstairs Porch/Non Porch suites share a shower and toilet between two rooms. Each room has a private sink and central air conditioning. These rooms are set up for double occupancy with either 2 twin beds of 1 queen bed in each room. Rooms may or may not have direct entrances onto the peaceful back porch overlooking the outdoor swimming pool and valley.
A room is only 1/2 of the suite.
Parties of 3-4 guests will automatically be placed in a full suite. Full suites can be reserved for parties of 1 or 2 guests for an up-charge of $15.00 per night upstairs and $30.00 per night downstairs (This up-charge is only available during the Summer Season).
Rooms do not contain TVs or Phones. There is a public TV with cable in the lobby and a TV with DVD player in the game room.
Most common cell phone carriers work at the lodge but only AT&T works in Downtown Steelville.