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Make sure you receive your e-mail. Follow the steps below

1. 2. Add “” to Your E-mail “White List”.  Check with your ISP or corporate help desk if you do not know how to add us to the white list. We use VerticalResponse to handle our newsletter subscriptions.

It can definitely happen that E-mail Servers block emails coming from VerticalResponse. Why? Well, simply because e-mail servers can block or filter mail coming from an external network that looks like it’s coming in as an internal e-mail This scares the e-mail server and it blocks the e-mail to protect itself from what it thinks is a phishing attempt. Fair enough.

Every e-mail you send out through VerticalResponse is sent from servers with a From Address that looks like this: [fromlabel] On the left of the @ symbol in the [fromlabel] area is going to indicate what you put in step 1 in the From Label of your e-mail creation. To the right of that is our domain To e-mail servers, your left side (From Label) looks great! Our right side ( looks scary.

So how do you fix this? Simple: add our domain to your address book or if you’re within a bigger corporation, ask them to add our domain to their Safe Senders List. Some companies may also ask for our IP Ranges, no problem! We have those for you too down below:

Wildwood Springs Lodge uses the VerticalResponse Domains:
From domain –
Bounce domain –

VerticalResponse IP ranges:

Voila! Your fancy emails will now be seen in their In boxes.

2. Add the domain “” to your Address Book or Contacts in your e-mail program, to continue receiving your newsletters in your inbox. More help with your e-mail program here.